Sunday, December 7, 2008

Modern Times

Modern Times by Charlie Chaplin in 1936
is the greatest pantomime i have ever watched.

Chaplin is indeed a genius of his time.

He is perfectly aware of his surroundings 
and the happenings of his country - 
serious poverty, unemployment, strikes 
and whatsoever that plagued that dark era.
However in this challenging time,
Chaplin did not forget the necessity of human life -
laughter and happiness,
as we see how he subverts authority
and the government's attempt to change 
the people's lifestyles and characters,
remaining a tramp.

As said by both Luc & Jean-Pierre Dardenne,
the beauty of Chaplin's films is that
he does not succeed in life eventually,
but remains a tramp.

I am so going to borrow all his films to watch!!

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