Well, like most marvel screenplays,
full of action, suspense and fear,
The Dark Knight
never fails to deliver.
However, this time it is not the hero,
but the villain - the joker
(acted by the late Heath Ledger),
who left an impression.
His evil intention to destroy a peaceful world
actually stems from the suffering he
since the beginning of his life
A broken family -
drunkard father,
battered mother,
abused child he was.
The scars on his face were caused by his father,
when he tried to protect his mother
from his abuse.
Then, he grew up
and married a beautiful woman,
who loved to gamble,
and left herself loads of debt to repay.
Her creditors haunted her,
and disfigured her pretty face.
She became emotionally unstable,
unconfident to face the world.
To make her feel better,
and tell her how much he loved her
whether she was pretty or ugly,
the joker cut up his face,
and left more scars on his face.
But unfortunately,
his wife found him ugly,
and left him.
What a sad life ain't it!
Hence he got admitted to a mental hospital,
and then the destruction of his mind.
He believed that there was no good in the world.
So, he escaped and began to destroy everyone.
At the climax,
he gathered two groups of people
on board two different ships,
according to a system similar to a caste system in India,
the creme of the crop in one,
the average on the other.
Each ship was given a time bomb controller,
which meant that
the first group to press the button
will save themselves
by bombing the other group
on the other ship.
And then it came midnight,
when both groups were supposed to kill each other.
Batman and the joker were fighting
at the top of a skyscraper near the sea.
Joker told Batman
he was sure he would see
when the bombs exploded.
But, he was disappointed.
There was still hope in a world
plagued by evil forces,
because mankind were kind
towards one another,
they chose to die in order for others to live.
People still believed in the good of mankind...
And so, the movie soon ended with the joker
being captured, and all good reigned Gotham.
Action-packed movies don't usually leave such a great impact on me,
but The Dark Knight
had such good philosophy
and great cast,
that left me touched by the
beauty of the entire film.
TRI-CHEERS FOR The Dark Knight
and to Heath Ledger,
who protrayed the clown
ever so skilfully.